Great newsletters and mailing lists for designers and/or developers
Spend less time swiping endless feeds — read less, read better
Hey! It sure seems like the golden age of newsletters and mailing lists. Since I really love how newsletters—frankly a pretty old notion—are giving me time back from swiping, let me take a bit of my rescued time to round up some of them for you.
IDEO‘s “The Octopus”
IDEO is one of the world’s design powerhouses and their newsletter usually proves that. You will often see their articles reposted elsewhere (sometimes faster) but you can bet your behind there will always be some new golden nugget here.
MIT Tech Review
As a world-renowned university and place of research, MIT has a ton of output and interesting opinions, news and think pieces coming daily. I highly recommend this, and I’m sure that you will find at least one of their many sendouts (AI, emerging tech, blockchain…) as interesting.
Offscreen Dispatch
Super sleek and kind of eclectic, always expect the unexpected with Offscreen. Pretty wide range from products and services to more design thinkingish stuff.
Offscreen Dispatch is a brief, once-a-week newsletter with an assortment of products and articles for the discerning…www.offscreenmag.com
Cognitive UXD
A bit chewier stuff, and perfect for anyone who wants more deep-diving into psychological aspects of UX. Often longer pieces, without becoming too academic.
Cognitive UXD is a hand-selected publication about UX and Cognitive Psychology. Curated with 100% ♥ by norbigaalcognitiveuxd.com
Perfect morning read! I get this at 9 or 10 in the morning (Stockholm time) and the links are almost always really, really good. Pretty broad range of design, as well.
UX Collective
Superb UX curation on Medium. Make sure to subscribe to them as they round up lots of good stuff under their umbrella.
Curated stories on user experience, usability, and product design. By @fabriciot and @caioab.uxdesign.cc
O’Reilly Design
O’Reilly puts out quite a few books a year, especially on more industrial-scale application of design, UX and related fields. Follow their sendouts instead of looking in the bookstore. Also usually contains a few nice tidbits like free PDFs, previews, videos and more.
Average four out of five stars from 558 ratings Stay informed. Receive weekly insight from industry insiders-plus…www.oreilly.com
Product Design Weekly by Atomic
As the name implies, heavy focus on product design, UI, some UX.
Digital product design news, articles, showcases and resources.designweekly.atomic.io
Unbelievably good-looking newsletter! Makes my eyes water every time it drops into my email. Created by Huge, I would expect no less.
For people who think about the relationship between people, technology, and design like it’s their job. Editor: Belinda…magenta.as
Fresh Fonts
Very good resource to stay up to date with what’s going on in typography. Contains links to paid and free fonts. Highly recommended!
Curated newsletter featuring the latest free and open source fonts, the most solid new typefaces by indie foundries and…www.getrevue.co
Typewolf Newsletter
Probably one of the finest destinations on the web for typography. Monthly newsletter that does not overstay its visit, and a good way to make sure your on the ball with the latest trends.
A short and sweet roundup of the latest type news and typeface releases delivered to your inbox at the beginning of…www.typewolf.com
Swizec Teller – Geek with a hat
Amazing guy with both humour and serious development chops. Always inspiring and elucidating stuff! Don’t miss his “Learn While You Poop” Youtube series ;)
Helping you become a better engineerswizec.com
Frontend Weekly
Excellent source of modern frontend learning and reading. Seems to be a bit themed from week to week, so some weeks may not always be to your biggest interests. BUT! When they have something good, it’s always super good.
The best articles, links and news related to Frontend Development delivered once a week to your inbox.frontendweekly.co
Hope you enjoy at least one of these newsletters!
Mikael Vesavuori is a Technical Designer at Humblebee, a digital product and service studio based in Gothenburg, Sweden. Humblebee has worked with clients such as Volvo (Cars, Trucks, Construction Equipment), Hultafors Group, SKF, Mölnlycke Health Care, and Stena. Our design sprint-based approach and cutting-edge technical platform lets us build what’s needed.