Academy of Free Art
2013 — Photograph and installation
In Sweden, "fri konst" means "fine art". It also means "free art". As a last guerrilla installation before finishing my MFA I decorated the Valand Academy lobby with black balloons, fresh flowers, a deliberately mugshot-looking photo with my student debt, to remind everyone that there is nothing free (gratis) about art, especially on the Swedish art market.

People and Other Hells I & II
Sartre wrote "hell is other people" which to quote Wikipedia is "a reference to Sartre's ideas about the look and the perpetual ontological struggle of being caused to see oneself as an object from the view of another consciousness." Which is worse—your misery being ignored or it being made an object?

This was one of my first forays into a type of contemporary landscape photography, further pushed by Notscapes (below).
The full collection is 8 images, all slightly tilted and printed on metallic-sheen paper that really bring out the coolness of concrete, steel, and glass.

This work was part of a greater transitional artistic research undertaking which I began with Physique in 2011-2012. It forms part of a large body of work together with the research I have done into "new" types of spaces that are neither landscapes nor public cityscapes. My goal has been to understand and investigate a push into a new world that is far beyond the human scale, where monumental scales and ambitions confront very human behaviors, like flocking, trends and movements: Collective behaviors in spaces that defy traditional humanism. I have also wanted to picture ideologies and visions that are neither apocalyptic nor utopian, but instead strange, beautiful... even haunting.

One of several series of photographs of common-place things that become beautiful and abstract when seen on their own.

Samples of (yet) unserialized images.