
Autonomy I-IV

2012 — Videos recorded from computer games

Looking for freedom - in whichever form it may take.

No game genre embodies the sense of mobility and freedom as well as racing games. In newer hybrid types, vast terrains are made available, with the allure of endless discovery always there. But what constitutes this so-called “freedom”?

Autonomy was a series of machinima art videos about the concept of freedom and autonomy in racing video games.

Black Block

2013 — Video

In June 2001, Gothenburg hosted the G8 summit, leading to large demonstrations of which some infamously led to violent action against corporations and banks, especially around the Avenyn area. This was pointed as being acted-out by those in the "black block": a loose grouping of anarchists et al. The breaking of windows has been a symbol used frequently by like-minded individuals and groups as well as by media outlets in their portrayal.

Elaborate Joke

2013 — Video

Political performances embody many both overt and subtle levels of rhetoric, power and staging.

Who's in on the joke, who is outside of it? By what means does an internal joke - itself a customary or private affair - become “grand” and omnipresent? What changes with a leader delivering one, rather than someone further down the ladder? How is power present within the untold but present joke?

Quite possibly, the joke might be the greatest potential field for political persuasion or dialogue, though as of yet almost entirely unexplored.


2013 — Video

Possible meanings: 1) Freedomination: the doing of freedom 2) To freedom: to act out freedom. 3) Free domination: to be master of something or someone without reciprocal action or reaction.

Immersional Trauma

2012 — Video and music

Definition of immersion:

1: the action of immersing someone or something in a liquid: "his back was still raw from immersion in the icy Atlantic sea"; * "baptism by immersing a person bodily (but not necessarily completely) in water."

2: deep mental involvement in something: "a week's immersion in the culinary heritage of Puglia"; * "a method of teaching a foreign language by the exclusive use of that language: as a teacher she advocates learning by immersion"

— Oxford Dictionaries (

Definition of trauma:

* 1a: deeply distressing or disturbing experience: they were reluctant to talk about the traumas of the revolution * [mass noun] emotional shock following a stressful event or a physical injury, which may lead to long-term neurosis: the event is relived with all the accompanying trauma

* 2: [mass noun] Medicine physical injury: rupture of the diaphragm caused by blunt trauma

— Oxford Dictionaries (

Justified True Beliefs

2016 — Video and music

Justified True Beliefs was a music/video project based around public service announcements, commercials and other forms of ephemeral video forming a base for new experimental music production. Copyright-free stock footage edited and cut by Mikael Vesavuori. Music by Mikael Vesavuori.

More of the Justified True Beliefs videos are available in this YouTube playlist.